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Historical curiosities and curious facts




















- How to create a work of art from 15 tons of broken dishes? Read  here .


- Where in Chartres was the pooping boy immortalized? Read  here.  


- Why do tourists look for carnations in Chartres Cathedral? Read  here.


- Who were those mysterious patrons of the stained-glass window with the Parable of the Prodigal Son? Read  here .


- What happened to the medieval baker's dough? Read  here.


“Who monitors those entering through the Royal Portal of the Cathedral?” Read  here.


How old is the labyrinth? Read  here. 


- Why was the baby Christ separated from His Mother? Read  here._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


- Where is the scorpion hiding? Read here.


- What mistake did the stained glass master of St. Joseph? Read here.  


- What happens if the queen does not climb into any gates? Read here


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